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BCGame_Maxim last won the day on February 22

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  1. Ty for my prize sir.(update)

    1. Eigref


      I haven't gotten my payment either, #89 on prestige ultimate dice. With all due respect u have mentioned that we send u a message but u are not replying maybe u don't really check ur inbox? I don't want to post on ur timeline but u left me with no choice, please do your job well I don't care if u pay late as long as u pay us. BCGAME POP is more ethical, although payments are always late and sometimes missing but once u send her a private message that u did not get ur prize, when she is online she will check for messages and pay us with apologies in contrary to u sir I saw u online many times but u don't check any pm. Sorry to say this but just telling the truth. Hagd

    2. Nurjara


      Sorry to meddle, but I keep seeing this post on my timeline, I got my prize for this challenge after they checked my account and found out that I made a mistake here so I apologize to them and they paid me. Ty again admins.

    3. Eigref


      Good 4 u, not 4 me. I quit posting entries both sports parlays and inhouse games because they don't pay me.

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