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BCD Birthday Contest: Show your skills & win 2,000 BCD!


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  لوگوی سایت  بی سی  به تنهایی   می تواند  به عنوان نماد  سکه های بی سی باشد    یک روح  در دو بدن 

The BC website logo alone can be a symbol of BC coins, one soul in two bodies.


لوگوی سایت تنها  گذیته مناسب می باشد   .  . یک روح در دو بدن   

IMG_20230410_111735.jpg.a7043b6c862163b1a0db0a6f0a33b5ee.jpg   The logo of the site is the only suitable item.  .  One soul in two bodies

Edited by Goodcoin
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Because we love the COCO it's super important to incorporate the crocodile into what everyone wants to earn, dollars. If COCO's time is the time to earn BCD, why can't BCD have the face of our COCO? He is much more original than dogs.

Original text: Como amamos o COCO, é super importante incorporar o crocodilo naquilo que todos querem ganhar, dólares. Se a hora do COCO é a hora de ganhar o BCD, por que o BCD não pode ter a cara do nosso COCO? Ele é muito mais original do que cachorros.


Edited by Betmasters
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