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Key know's for Keno

Monstrous Eberto

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If you've ever spent a long time picking different amount of numbers and choosing different risks to see what the different payouts and win percentages your up against?

I have. and its almost impossible for me to remember all the info. so, after 6 hoursπŸ“‹πŸ’»πŸ§‘β€πŸ’Ό; and my cat having her litter 🐈🐣 finally🐀πŸ₯🐀πŸ₯🐀πŸ₯πŸ™‚ I've listed down all the different payouts for all the different risk levels and how many numbers you've chosen 1-10. and then i went and listed the win chance for the numbers you've chosen to play with. Now its easy to compare and choose your best strategy. I have triple triple triple checked and i am currently 99.99999999% sure there are no mistakes in the tables below when compared to the information on bc.game's Keno. but, just in case, and so no worry's of misleading information, i have these saved on my computer and if anyone finds a mistake in these please let me know and ill fix them.  I'm posting this format of it which was created using Microsoft paint. only because my subscription to Microsoft expired so i couldn't use word the way i would want to πŸ€ͺ I may redo it to make it exactly the way i want later though. if so ill post it as a reply to this thread. 

here you go;





Any questions, please ask. i hope its self explanatory. Enjoy. and good luck

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Thanks a bunch for sharing this with the community πŸ™‚ I think its quite helpful actually!

"Life is the biggest scam of all, because eventually you die."

- digitaldash

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